Lots of important folks came to visit me on Tuesday. I suppose they are trying to figure out a good way to save my bones. The people that take care of me have a lot of work to do. They need to try to forget about what I am and move me into the future of what I can be. I over heard the "important" people talking about all my space and what could be done in these spaces. They had alot of good ideas but means big changes for me. I reckon i'm a bit nervous. I believe these good folks have my best interest at heart, but I ain't to sure I'm up for the challenge of changing who I am to what they think I can be. Of course a new roof would mean I'd be a bit dryer . A purty coat of white paint would make me look happier. I think these ideas are all good, but a bit scary. I am expecting a group of students from a university to come out soon and inspect my roof and assess all my damaged parts. I am lookin forward to them finding all the things that need fixin when a building is 121 yrs old. Well, I sure could use some suggestions on what ya'll think should happen here. I sure plan on stayin around awhile. I'll keep you updated..
See ya in the funny papers.......Whipple
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