Saturday, February 06, 2010

During the summer months of touring the company store I get ask many times a day is the building haunted? I suppose they are referring to spooks, ghost and sights unexplainable. I never quite know how to answer the questions, so I started opening up the building in October so that these folks could perhaps answer there own questions. I thought it would be fun to post some of the findings and stories. I will start with one of my own.

The company store is very big and is acoustically balanced in the round room. I expect to hear pops, creaks and moans, after all the wooden structure is over 100 yrs old, but there are many strange sounds that are heard from the company store. I myself have experienced male voices. Many of the noises talking, chatting, as if trying to settle something, almost argumentative. These voices occur at odd times and many times when I am in the company store alone.

I decided to spend the night at the store one evening after working late. It was to late to venture out and to travel 20 miles home. Some of my family was out of town and my daughter was settled into one of the rooms off the ballroom. I was in the office doing paperwork when I heard the freight room door slam shut. The door is on a spring and shuts hard making a loud unmistakable racket. However this door cannot open on its own or blow in the air or make a noise on its own. I assumed that my son had come to check on me and so I ventured down from my office to greet him. No One! I investigated the freight room door. It appeared fine and closed. I checked all the other outside doors and looked outside to see if there was a strong wind or maybe a traffic issue that would have created a vibration. I take hold of the fact that I am a realist, so I am looking for reasons the door would slam in such a manner. After spending a good bit of time checking everything I returned to my office and paperwork. Approx. 10 minutes go by I am involved in paperwork and the door slams again. Now I'm a bit UN-nerved. I know this is un- natural. I can't find a reason for the door to be slamming and no one is in the building. I went to the door and locked a chair back under the door knob and then joined my daughter upstairs in her room. I am a little uncomfortable at this point, and decide to retire in her room. About 2:15 a.m. I am awakened to be continued...........

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So glad your here!

This is a great place to share about things going on in my world. I have had some wonderful experiences in my company store days and would like to share them. I also am having some fantastic experiences now with my new family and friends. I am getting a face lift and having lots of visitors.
Check back often and share my happenings.


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